• Seal of Approval
    Outside activities? You slather your kids with sunscreen. Biking? You don’t let your child leave the house without a helmet. Youth sports? You provide mouthguards and padding and headgear and Read more
  • Happy Holidays! Healthy Holidays!
    It’s the holiday season! With so much to do and so much going on, you want to be at your best. We have some ideas to help make your season Read more
  • Considerations When Picking the Right Mouthwash
    A solid oral health routine begins with daily brushing, flossing, and rinsing. Without a consistent oral health regimen, you may begin to experience tooth decay and bacterial infections. Few patients Read more
  • Thanksgiving
    At Seymour Semah, we love to celebrate the holidays with vigor! the doctor would love to share some unique ways of celebrating Thanksgiving from beyond the Brick, New Jersey area Read more
  • Can my child really avoid tooth decay?
    Great question! Yes, in fact, tooth decay is preventable! Decay, which is caused by sugars left in your child’s mouth, can turn into an acid, which in turn can break Read more
  • Sealants: What are they and how do they help?
    Molars are made up of canyons, caves, pits, and seemingly endless caverns that are a breeding ground for decay. The protective solution is a sealant. When done correctly, a sealant Read more
  • “Witch” Halloween Treats Are Trickiest for Your Teeth?
    It’s that time of year again—Halloween! Carving pumpkins. Creating costumes. And, of course, collecting candy. But some of the candies in that collection aren’t much of a treat for your teeth. Read more
  • Are My Child’s Baby Teeth on Schedule?
    Your darling three-month old is crying and fussy—can she be teething already? Or, your happy baby boy has just celebrated his first birthday—with only one tooth in that beautiful, gummy Read more
  • Treatment and Diagnosis for Your Child’s Teeth Grinding
    The habit of grinding teeth can be both painful and harmful for your children. If you discover that they are frequently grinding their teeth—a condition called bruxism—here is some helpful Read more
  • Year-End Insurance Reminder
    the doctor, as well as our team at Seymour Semah, would like to give those patients with flex spend, health savings, or insurance benefits a friendly end of the year Read more
  • Thumb Sucking
    Learning to suck their thumbs is one of the first physical skills babies acquire. In fact, ultrasound images have revealed babies sucking their thumbs in the womb! Babies have a Read more
  • My child is getting blood blisters; is this normal?
    Thanks for the question. The “blisters” you are referring to are actually a normal part of losing baby teeth. Sometimes when teeth start to come through, children experience some bleeding Read more
  • What Are Dental Sealants?
    You’re constantly playing defense. Your child spends two minutes in the morning and two minutes at night carefully brushing and flossing with a fluoride toothpaste. You make sure sugary and Read more
  • Back to School? Remember Your Dental Homework!
    It’s a busy time of year. Book lists! Supplies! New clothes! (How did they outgrow those shoes already?) And while you’re preparing your family’s list of back-to-school necessities, here are Read more
  • Celebrate Labor Day by Getting Away
    Labor Day honors the contributions that workers have made to this country, and for many Americans, the holiday is a great time to relax at home with family and friends. Read more
  • Dangers of Thumb Sucking
    It’s common for children to suck their thumb at a young age. the doctor and our team want you to understand the potential issues that can surface down the road Read more

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